Below is a list of talks since 2016. For a more complete list, please refer to the CV, or request it directly.
- Quantum Imaging of the Proton: New Windows into the Strong Force
Zhongbo Kang, Physics and Astronomy Colloquium, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Riverside, October 17, 2024.
- Strong Interaction Physics at the Electron Ion Collider
Zhongbo Kang, Physics and Astronomy Colloquium, Department of Physics and Astronomy, California State University, Los Angeles, September 26, 2024.
- Impact-Parameter Dependence in the Color-Glass Condensate
Jani Penttala, RIKEN BNL Research Center Seminar, Brookhaven National Laboratory, August 1, 2024.
- Jets and jet-like observables at the EIC
Zhongbo Kang, The 4th EIC-Asia Workshop, Shanghai, China, July 3, 2024.
- Vector mesons and diffraction
Jani Penttala, two lectures, Midsummer School in QCD 2024, Saariselkä, Finland, June 28 - 29, 2024.
- The Color-Glass Condensate and the Impact Parameter
Jani Penttala, ECT* Workshop: Diffraction and gluon saturation at the LHC and the EIC, June 12, 2024.
- Transverse energy-energy correlators in the Color-Glass Condensate
Jani Penttala, Nuclear Physics Seminar, Institute for Nuclear Theory, University of Washington in Seattle, May 9, 2024.
- Transverse energy-energy correlators in the Color-Glass Condensate
Jani Penttala, Seminar, National Centre for Nuclear Research, Warsaw, Poland, April 17, 2024.
- Transverse energy-energy correlators in the Color-Glass Condensate
Jani Penttala, 31st International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering, Grenoble, France, April 12, 2024.
- Global extraction of nuclear TMDs
Congyue Zhang, California EIC Consortium Collaboration Meeting, UC Riverside, February 29, 2024.
- Transverse energy-energy correlators in the Color-Glass Condensate
Jani Penttala, California EIC Consortium Collaboration Meeting, UC Riverside, February 29, 2024.
- Jet substructure and transverse energy-energy correlator
Yiyu Zhou, Nuclear Physics Seminar, UCLA, February 21, 2024.
- Saturation effects in high-energy evolution for exclusive heavy vector meson production
Jani Penttala, International workshop on the physics of Ultra Peripheral Collisions, Playa del Carmen (Riviera Maya), Mexico, December 13, 2023.
- Sivers functions: a status report
Zhongbo Kang, 6th Joint Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics and the Physical Society of Japan, November 26, 2023.
- Exclusive vector meson production at next-to-leading order in the Color Glass Condensate framework
Jani Penttala, Nuclear Physics Seminar, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, November 9, 2023.
- Nucleon/nucleus 3D structure: overview from theoretical perspective
Zhongbo Kang, 2nd Workshop on advancing the understanding of non-perturbative QCD using energy flow, November 7, 2023.
- Diffractive deep inelastic scattering at NLO in the dipole picture
Jani Penttala, SURGE small-x and NLO Working Group seminar, November 3, 2023.
- TMD Theory and Phenomenology
Zhongbo Kang, four lectures at the TIDC Autumn School on Electron-Ion Collider, National Taiwan University, August 28 - 30, 2023.
- Hadron transverse momentum distribution in Z-tagged jets
Yiyu Zhou, California EIC Consortium Collaboration Meeting, UC Berkeley, August 21, 2023.
- Nuclear TMDs and Three-Dimensional Imaging in Nuclei
Mishary Alrashed, California EIC Consortium Collaboration Meeting, UC Berkeley, August 21, 2023.
- The Dead Cone in (winner-take-) all shapes and flavors
Jared Reiten, California EIC Consortium Collaboration Meeting, UC Berkeley, August 21, 2023.
- Direct quarkonium production in eA collisions at small x
Farid Salazar, California EIC Consortium Collaboration Meeting, UC Berkeley, August 21, 2023.
- QCD Factorization and Nucleon Structure
Zhongbo Kang, two lectures at the 2023 National Nuclear Physics Summer School, UC Riverside, July 10 - 11, 2023.
- Elucidating the correspondence between CGC and Generalized High-Twist formalisms of QCD matter
Farid Salazar, Saturated Glue (SURGE) Topical Collaboration Meeting and Workshop, Brookhaven National Laboratory, June 28, 2023.
- Working Group Overview: Small-x evolution and next-to-leading order calculations
Zhongbo Kang, Saturated Glue (SURGE) Topical Collaboration Meeting and Workshop, Brookhaven National Laboratory, June 28, 2023.
- Updates from the JAM collaboration
Yiyu Zhou, 2023 Jefferson Lab Users Organization Annual Meeting, June 26, 2023.
- TMDs from Various Avenues
Zhongbo Kang, CFNS Workshop - TMDs: Towards a Synergy between Lattice QCD and Global Analysis, Stony Brook University, June 21, 2023.
- Small-x TMD factorization at NLO
Farid Salazar, Color Glass Condensate at the Electron-Ion Collider, May 16, 2023.
- 3D imaging and jet transport coefficient of cold nuclear matter
Zhongbo Kang, Center for Frontiers in Nuclear Physics (CFNS) seminar, Stony Brook University, May 11, 2023.
- A new scaling relation in the fragmentation function
Andrew Larkoski, California EIC Consortium Collaboration Meeting, May 5, 2023.
- Collins-type Energy-Energy Correlators and Nucleon Structure
Fanyi Zhao, DIS 2023 Workshop, March 30, 2023.
- A Fragmentation Approach to Jet Flavor
Andrew Larkoski, DIS 2023 Workshop, March 30, 2023.
- Back-to-back dijet production in DIS: small-x TMD factorization at NLO
Farid Salazar, DIS 2023 Workshop, March 29, 2023.
- Understanding jet charge
Andrew Larkoski, JETSCAPE Physics Online Meeting, March 20, 2023.
- Mining for Gluon Saturation at Colliders
Farid Salazar, Physics Colloquium, Florida International University, March 10, 2023.
- TMDs: from RHIC to EIC
Zhongbo Kang, 2023 STAR Collaboration Meeting, March 2, 2023.
- Understanding jet charge
Andrew Larkoski, California EIC Consortium Collaboration Meeting, January 28, 2023.
- Small-x Gluon Weizsacker-Williams distribution at NLO
Farid Salazar, California EIC Consortium Collaboration Meeting, January 28, 2023.
- Collins-type Energy-Energy Correlators and Nucleon Structures
Fanyi Zhao, California EIC Consortium Collaboration Meeting, January 28, 2023.
- Jet anisotropy in polarized scattering
Yiyu Zhou, California EIC Consortium Collaboration Meeting, January 28, 2023.
- Dijet azimuthal correlations: a window into gluon saturation at the EIC
Farid Salazar, 2nd EIC detector workshop, Stony Brook University, December 8, 2022.
- Quantum Simulation of Phase Transitions
Fanyi Zhao, Jefferson Lab, Theory Seminar, November 28, 2022.
- Sudakov suppression and gluon saturation at NLO
Farid Salazar, Particle Theory Group Seminar, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, November 22, 2022.
- Quantum Simulation for Phase Transitions
Fanyi Zhao, e-Forum on High-energy Nuclear Physics in China (HENPIC), November 10, 2022.
- Sudakov suppression and gluon saturation at NLO
Farid Salazar, Resummation, Evolution, Factorization 2022 Workshop, November 3, 2022.
- Threshold Improved Transverse momentum dependent distribution functions
Kajal Samanta, Resummation, Evolution, Factorization 2022 Workshop, November 3, 2022.
- Study chirality imbalance with quantum algorithms
Fanyi Zhao, The 2022 Fall Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics of the American Physical Society, October 29, 2022.
- Accessing Saturation and Sub-Nuclear Structure with Multiplicity Dependent production J/ψ in p+p and p+Pb Collisions
Farid Salazar, Heavy Flavor Production in Heavy‐Ion and Elementary Collisions, October 10, 2022.
- Sudakov resummation and gluon saturation at NLO
Farid Salazar, Diffraction and Low-x 2022, September 25, 2022.
- TMD: Theory and Measurements
Zhongbo Kang, 2022 Town Hall Meeting on Hot and Cold QCD, September 23, 2022.
- Jet Physics at the EIC
Zhongbo Kang, Workshop: Theory for EIC in the next decade, September 21, 2022.
- Status of gluon saturation at colliders
Farid Salazar, The 9th International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics, September 7, 2022.
- Towards a unified picture for dilute-dense dynamics of QCD
Farid Salazar, Berkeley Symposium on Hard Probes and Beyond, August 19, 2022.
- Jets and jet substructure at the EIC
Zhongbo Kang, Berkeley Symposium on Hard Probes and Beyond, August 19, 2022.
- Progress in TMDs: Status and New Opportunities
Zhongbo Kang, Gordon Research Conference - Photonuclear Reactions 2022: Frontiers in Nuclear and Hadronic Physics, August 8, 2022.
- Cold QCD Highlights for a 2nd Detector
Zhongbo Kang, EIC User Group Meeting 2022, July 28, 2022.
- Electron-jet production at EIC
Fanyi Zhao, EIC User Group Early Career Workshop 2022, July 25, 2022.
- Simulation of Jet Production at the EIC
Grace Garmire, EIC User Group Early Career Workshop 2022, July 24, 2022.
- The Gluon Sivers Asymmetry in Dijet Production at the EIC
John Terry, California EIC Consortium Meeting, July 19, 2022.
- Simulation of Jet Production at the EIC
Grace Garmire, California EIC Consortium Meeting, July 19, 2022.
- Unveiling Nucleon 3D Chiral-Odd Structure with Jet Axes
Wai Kin Lai, California EIC Consortium Meeting, July 19, 2022.
- A new era for small-x physics
Farid Salazar, California EIC Consortium Meeting, July 19, 2022.
- Jet Physics at the EIC
Zhongbo Kang, California EIC Consortium Meeting, July 18, 2022.
- Unveiling Nucleon 3D Chiral-Odd Structure with Jet Axes
Wai Kin Lai, CFNS Workshop - Jet Physics: from RHIC/LHC to EIC, June 29, 2022.
- Dijet production in DIS at one loop in the CGC
Farid Salazar, ECT* Workshop: Saturation and Diffraction at the LHC and the EIC, June 29, 2022.
- Toward TMD factorization and resummation at NLO+NLL+NLP
John Terry, TMD Collaboration Meeting 2022, June 17, 2022.
- The Renaissance of Jet Physics
Zhongbo Kang, High Energy Physics Seminar, Hunan University, June 19, 2022.
- Jet Physics at the EIC
Zhongbo Kang, ECT* Workshop: Jet Quenching in The Quark-Gluon Plasma, June 17, 2022.
- Dijet production in DIS in the CGC
Farid Salazar, CFNS Workshop: Hera 4 EIC, June 10, 2022.
- Electron-jet production at HERA and EIC
Fanyi Zhao, CFNS Workshop: Hera 4 EIC, June 9, 2022.
- Jet physics: a new frontier in strong interactions
Zhongbo Kang, Physics Colloquium, Department of Physics, Fudan University, Shanghai, June 7, 2022
- Quantum simulation of chiral phase transitions
Fanyi Zhao, Quantum Journal Club, Brookhaven National Laboratory, June 6, 2022.
- Transverse-momentum-dependent factorization at next-to-leading power
John Terry, QCD Evolution Workshop 2022, May 10, 2022.
- Matching high-twist and CGC formalisms: a unified framework for dilute and dense regimes of QCD
Farid Salazar, QCD Evolution Workshop 2022, May 10, 2022.
- Quantum simulation of chiral phase transition
Fanyi Zhao, QCD Evolution Workshop 2022, May 9, 2022.
- Jet azimuthal anisotropy in ep collisions
Fanyi Zhao, DIS 2022, May 4, 2022.
- Dijet production in DIS at one loop in the CGC
Farid Salazer, DIS 2022, May 3, 2022.
- Dijet production in DIS at one loop in the CGC
Farid Salazar, Quark Matter 2022, April 8, 2022.
- Dijet production in DIS at one loop in the CGC
Farid Salazar, Seminar at the Centre of Excellence in Quark Matter, University of Jyvaskyla, March 18, 2022.
- Precision small-x physics at the Electron-Ion Collider
Farid Salazar, Correlations in Hadronic and Partonic Interactions (CPHI-2022), Duke University, March 8, 2022.
- Nuclear TMDs and 3D imaging in nuclei
John Terry, Correlations in Hadronic and Partonic Interactions (CPHI-2022), Duke University, March 8, 2022.
- Promoting gluon saturation to higher precision with dijets at the EIC
Farid Salazar, Nuclear Theory Seminar, Brookhaven National Laboratory, March 4, 2022.
- Quantum Computing for Quantum Chromodynamics
Zhongbo Kang, Society of Physics Students, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Los Angeles, February 23, 2022.
- Jet physics: a new frontier in strong interactions
Zhongbo Kang, Physics and Astronomy Colloquium, Department of Physics and Astronomy, California State University, Los Angeles, February 17, 2022.
- Quantum simulation of chiral phase transitions
Fanyi Zhao, UC EIC Consortium collaboration meeting, February 11, 2022.
- SCET and small-x physics: comments and ideas
Zhongbo Kang, Small-x Physics in the EIC Era, RIKEN BNL Research Center, December 15, 2021.
- Gearing up for the EIC era: precision computations in the CGC
Farid Salazar, Nuclear Physics Seminar, University of Kentucky, December 2, 2021.
- Impact of gluon saturation on dijet production at the EIC
Farid Salazar, Light Cone 2021, November 30, 2021.
- Mining gluon saturation at the Electron-Ion Collider
Farid Salazar, UC EIC Consortium collaboration meeting, November 19, 2021.
- Dijets at EIC beyond TMDs
Farid Salazar, Resummation, Evolution and Factorization Workshop (REF 2021), November 17, 2021.
- Fundamental Structure of Matter
Zhongbo Kang, Science talk, Exploring Your Universe, UCLA's biggest science fair, November 7, 2021.
- Transverse Momentum Distributions in nucleons
Zhongbo Kang, The 14th European Research Conference On Electromagnetic Interactions with Nucleons and Nuclei (EINN 2021), November 5, 2021.
- Quantum 3D imaging of hadrons
Zhongbo Kang, Nuclear Theory Seminar, University of Maryland, November 4, 2021.
- Jet substructure observables
Zhongbo Kang, Fragmentation Functions 2021 Workshop, Institute for Nuclear Theory, University of Washington, Seattle, November 3, 2021.
- Nuclear TMDs and 3D Imaging in Nuclei
John Terry, The 24th International Spin Symposium, October 21, 2021.
- Spin asymmetries in electron-jet production at the EIC
Fanyi Zhao, The 24th International Spin Symposium, October 20, 2021.
- Mining gluon saturation at colliders
Farid Salazar, 2021 Fall Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics, October 14, 2021.
- Outlook for TMDs at the EIC
John Terry, Nuclear Theory Seminar at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, October 13, 2021.
- Global Analysis of Nuclear Modified TMDs
John Terry, 2021 Fall Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics, October 13, 2021.
- Three Dimensional Imaging in Nuclei
Mishary Alrashed, The Conference Experience for Undergraduates, 2021 Fall Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics, October 13, 2021.
- Transverse Lambda Polarization in e+e- collisions
Fanyi Zhao, 2021 Fall Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics, October 12, 2021.
- Gearing up for the EIC era: precision computations in the CGC
Farid Salazar, Hadron Ion Tea Seminar at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, October 12, 2021.
- Forward dijets at the EIC beyond TMDs
Farid Salazar, Multiple Partonic Interactions at the LHC Workshop, LIP Lisbon, October 11, 2021.
- Jets for nucleon structure
Zhongbo Kang, The 5th Workshop on the QCD Structure of the Nucleon (QCD-N2021), October 5, 2021.
- Spin Asymmetries with Electron-Jet Production at the EIC
Fanyi Zhao, CFNS Workshop: The 2nd Workshop on Jets for 3D Imaging at the EIC, September 29, 2021.
- Transverse Lambda production at the EIC
John Terry, CFNS Workshop: The 2nd Workshop on Jets for 3D Imaging at the EIC, September 27, 2021.
- Transverse Lambda production at the EIC
John Terry, UC EIC Consortium collaboration meeting, August 20, 2021.
- Jets for 3D imaging
Zhongbo Kang, Jet Probes of Hot and Cold Nuclear Matter: From the LHC and RHIC to the EIC, Embedded Workshop of the INT program: Probing QCD at High Energy and Density with Jets, August 9, 2021.
- Strong force - The structure of matter: from Rutherford's experiment to Electron-Ion Collider
Zhongbo Kang, Public lecture, Adventures in Particle Physics Outreach Program by University of Stavanger, Norway, August 6, 2021.
- Jet fragmentation functions at the EIC
Fanyi Zhao, 2021 EIC UG Meeting Early Career Workshop, July 30, 2021.
- Nuclear TMDs and 3D imaging in nuclei
John Terry, 2021 EIC UG Meeting Early Career Workshop, July 30, 2021.
- TMDs in the nuclear medium
John Terry, 2nd PSQ at EIC Meeting: Precision Studies on QCD at EIC, July 20, 2021.
- EIC Project and Physics: Overview
Zhongbo Kang, Collider Physics Phenomenology Summer School, July 17, 2021.
- Quantum Computing for QCD
Fanyi Zhao, Device Research Laboratory Seminar at UCLA, July 16, 2021.
- TMDs in the nuclear medium
John Terry, UC EIC Consortium collaboration meeting, June 25, 2021.
- Theory of transverse/forward spin physics at RHIC
Zhongbo Kang, RHIC Science Programs Informative Toward EIC in the Coming Years, May 25, 2021.
- Recent progress in extracting the Sivers function
John Terry, APS April Meeting 2021, April 19, 2021.
- Jet fragmentation functions at the EIC
Fanyi Zhao, APS April Meeting 2021, April 17, 2021.
- Electron-Ion Collider impact study on the tensor charge from a QCD global analysis of single transverse-spin asymmetries
Zhongbo Kang, The 9th Workshop of the APS Topical Group on Hadronic Physics (GHP 2021), April 14, 2021.
- QCD evolution of the gluon Sivers function in heavy flavor dijet production at the Electron-Ion Collider
John Terry, The 28th International Workshops on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects (DIS 2021), April 13, 2021.
- Quantum 3D imaging of hadrons with jets
Zhongbo Kang, Center for Frontiers in Nuclear Science (CFNS) seminar, February 4, 2021.
- QCD evolution of the gluon Sivers function in heavy flavor dijet production at the EIC
Dingyu Shao, CFNS workshop: EIC opportunities for Snowmass, January 29, 2021.
- Global analysis of the Sivers functions from SIDIS, Drell-Yan and W/Z data
John Terry, Perceiving the Emergence of Hadron Mass through AMBER at CERN, December 3, 2020.
- Recent progress in quantum 3D imaging of the proton
John Terry, TEPAPP Journal Club, December 2, 2020.
- The gluon Sivers function in heavy flavor dijet production at the EIC
Dingyu Shao, Jets for 3D imaging at the EIC, November 23, 2020.
- Global analysis of the Sivers functions at NLO+NNLL in QCD
John Terry, International Workshop on Hadron Structure and Spectroscopy (IWHSS 2020), November 16, 2020.
- Theory aspects of EIC jets
Zhongbo Kang, Snowmass Energy Frontier 06/07 meeting: Jets at EIC, November 9, 2020.
- Polarized jet fragmentation functions
Fanyi Zhao, 2020 Fall Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics, October 31, 2020.
- TMD opportunities at the LHC
Zhongbo Kang, Snowmass Energy Frontier 06/07 meeting: TMD jamboree, October 28, 2020.
- The renaissance of jet physics
Zhongbo Kang, Physics and Astronomy Colloquium, University of California, Los Angeles, October 22, 2020.
- Global analysis of the Sivers functions at NLO+NNLL in QCD
John Terry, UC EIC Consortium collaboration meeting, October 21, 2020.
- Jets and transverse momentum dependent functions (TMDs)
Fanyi Zhao, UC EIC Consortium collaboration meeting, October 21, 2020.
- Jets for 3D imaging
Zhongbo Kang, e-Forum on High-energy Nuclear Physics in China (HENPIC), August 12, 2020.
- Jet charge: a flavor prism for spin asymmetries at the EIC
Zhongbo Kang, EIC Yellow Report: Jet and Heavy Flavor Physics WG meeting, August 10, 2020.
- QCD factorization and resummation in the small-x regime
Zhongbo Kang, Nuclear Theory/RIKEN seminar, Brookhaven National Laboratory, July 31, 2020.
- TMD factorization and non-linear evolution in QCD jets
Dingyu Shao, QCD seminars online organized by Prof. Xiangdong Ji, June 5, 2020.
- Small-x physics and gluon saturation
Zhongbo Kang, LPC Workshop on Physics Connections between the LHC and EIC, Fermilab, November 15, 2019.
- Resummation, parton shower and effective theory
Dingyu Shao, High Energy Physics Seminar, Michigan State University, October 8, 2019.
- QCD phenomenology: bridging perturbative & non-perturbative physics
Zhongbo Kang, QCD Spin Physics: A Symposium to Honor Jacques Soffer, Brookhaven National Laboratory, October 4, 2019.
- Recent progress on jet substructure theory
Zhongbo Kang, XLIX International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics (ISMD 2019), Santa Fe, NM, September 12, 2019.
- The dijet mass distribution in heavy ion collisions
Jared Reiten, XLIX International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics (ISMD 2019), Santa Fe, NM, September 9, 2019.
- Overview of TMDs
Zhongbo Kang, 11th Workshop on Hadron Physics in China and Opportunities Worldwide, Tianjin, China, August 23, 2019.
- EIC Physics in the US
Zhongbo Kang, 18th International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy and Structure (HADRON 2019), Guilin, China, August 20, 2019.
- Overview and recent progress on TMDs
Zhongbo Kang, 18th International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy and Structure (HADRON 2019), Guilin, China, August 20, 2019.
- Groomed jet substructure observables
Zhongbo Kang, LoopFest XVIII conference, Fermilab, Batavia, IL, August 12, 2019.
- Three-dimensional structure of the nucleon
Zhongbo Kang, Lectures, 2019 CFNS Summer School on the Physics of the Electron-Ion Collider, Stony Brook, NY, August 1 - 2, 2019.
- Novel opportunities for transverse momentum dependent distributions
Zhongbo Kang, Theory Seminar, Jefferson Lab, Newport News, VA, July 1, 2019.
- Recent developments in jet substructure theory
Zhongbo Kang, 7th Edition of the Large Hadron Collider Physics Conference (LHCP 2019), Puebla, Mexico, May 22, 2019.
- Optimized Ogata quadrature and applications to the Sivers asymmetry
John Terry, QCD Evolution Workshop 2019, Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, IL, May 15, 2019.
- TMD opportunities beyond the standard processes
Zhongbo Kang, QCD Evolution Workshop 2019, Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, IL, May 15, 2019.
- Jet substructure with and without grooming
Zhongbo Kang, 13th International Workshop on High-pT Physics in the RHIC/LHC era, Knoxville, TN, March 20, 2019.
- Dijet mass modification in heavy ion collisions
Jared Reiten, UCLA 2019 Santa Fe Jets and Heavy Flavor Workshop, Los Angeles, CA, January 28, 2019.
- Physics with an Electron-Ion Collider
Zhongbo Kang, 35th Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics, Beaver Creek, CO, January 9, 2019.
- The renaissance of jet physics in strong interactions
Zhongbo Kang, Physics Colloquium, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM, November 29, 2018.
- EIC Physics in the US
Zhongbo Kang, QCD and Quark Matter Physics, South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China, November 12, 2018.
- Quantum tomography of a proton
Zhongbo Kang, Physics and Astronomy Colloquium, California State University, Los Angeles, CA, November 8, 2018.
- A TMD framework for photon+jet/dijet production in p+p collisions
Zhongbo Kang, 3rd meeting of TMD Collaboration, DOE Topical Collaboration for the Coordinated Theoretical Approach to Transverse Momentum Dependent Hadron Structure in QCD (TMD Collaboration), Duke University, Durham, NC, November 2, 2018.
- Inclusive jets and their substructure at the LHC
Zhongbo Kang, SLAC Elementary Particle Physics (EPP) Theory Seminar, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA, September 21, 2018.
- Jets as a probe of transverse spin physics
Zhongbo Kang, Nuclear Theory/RIKEN seminar, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, July 27, 2018.
- Review: jets in ep/eA DIS
Zhongbo Kang, 2018 Workshop on Probing Quark-Gluon Matter with Jets, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, July 23, 2018.
- Numerical Hankel Transforms for TMDs
John Terry, Hampton University Graduate Studies Program (HUGS), Jefferson Lab, Newport News, VA, June 14, 2018.
- Numerical Hankel Transforms for TMDs
John Terry, QCD Evolution 2018 Workshop, Santa Fe, NM, May 24, 2018.
- A framework for TMDs in p+p→γ+jet process
Maarten Buffing, QCD Evolution 2018 Workshop, Santa Fe, NM, May 20, 2018.
- Light and heavy flavor dijet production in heavy ion collisions at the LHC
Zhongbo Kang, Presented by Jared Reiten, Santa Fe Jets and Heavy Flavor 2018 Workshop, Santa Fe, NM, January 30, 2018.
- Jet functions
Zhongbo Kang, 2018 JETSCAPE Winter School and Workshop, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, January 5, 2018.
- Opportunities: heavy flavor production in p+p and EIC
Zhongbo Kang, 2017 Heavy Flavor Workshop in High Energy Collisions, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, November 1, 2017.
- Heavy flavor production in p+p and A+A collisions
Zhongbo Kang, Lead talk in the heavy flavor session, 2017 Fall Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics, Pittsburgh, PA, October 26, 2017.
- Inclusive jets and their substructures at the LHC
Zhongbo Kang, IOPP Forum, Institute of Particle Physics, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China, September 20, 2017.
- QCD multiple scattering in cold nuclear matter
Zhongbo Kang, 2017 Meeting of the APS Division of Particles and Fields (DPF 2017), Fermilab, Batavia, IL, August 2, 2017.
- Phenomenological extractions of TMDs: progress and new opportunities
Zhongbo Kang, Electron Ion Collider User Group Meeting 2017, Trieste, Italy, July 21, 2017.
- TMDs: general and fits
Zhongbo Kang, 2nd meeting of TMD Collaboration, DOE Topical Collaboration for the Coordinated Theoretical Approach to Transverse Momentum Dependent Hadron Structure in QCD (TMD Collaboration), Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, June 29, 2017.
- Hadron distribution inside jets for hadronization and spin dynamics
Zhongbo Kang, RIKEN BNL Workshop - Synergies of pp and pA Collisions with an Electron-Ion Collider, Upton, NY, June 27, 2017.
- Overview: jet production in p+p and A+A collisions
Zhongbo Kang, 2017 RHIC and AGS Annual Users' Meeting, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, June 20, 2017.
- Introduction to TMD physics
Zhongbo Kang, 12th Particle Physics Phenomenology Workshop, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, May 18, 2017.
- Inclusive jets and their substructure at the LHC
Zhongbo Kang, Seminar, Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, May 12, 2017.
- Effective field theory approach to open heavy flavor production in heavy-ion collisions
Zhongbo Kang, 25th International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering and Related Topics (DIS 2017), Birmingham, UK, April 5, 2017.
- Quantum tomography of the nucleons
Zhongbo Kang, Physics and Astronomy Colloquium, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, March 2, 2017.
- Probing collinear and TMD fragmentation functions through hadron distribution inside the jet
Zhongbo Kang, 7th Workshop of the APS Topical Group on Hadronic Physics (GHP 2017), Washington, DC, February 3, 2017.
- TMDs at an EIC
Zhongbo Kang, Plenary talk, Joint CTEQ Meeting and 7th International Conference on Physics Opportunities at an EIC (POETIC 7), Philadelphia, PA, November 14, 2016.
- How do advances in pQCD help us understand QGP?
Zhongbo Kang, Recent RHIC and LHC results and their implications for heavy ion physics in the 2020s, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, October 29, 2016.
- Inclusive jets and jet substructure for QCD and spin dynamics
Zhongbo Kang, Advances in QCD and Applications to Hadron Colliders Workshop, Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, IL, October 26, 2016.
- Phenomenology of TMD evolution: recent progress
Zhongbo Kang, 22nd International Spin Symposium (Spin 2016), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL, September 26, 2016.
- Jets and jet substructure for inclusive jet production at the LHC
Zhongbo Kang, INT special seminar, Institute for Nuclear Theory, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, August 3, 2016.
- Spin physics of Sivers, Collins, pA, and jets
Zhongbo Kang, 2016 RHIC and AGS Annual Users’ Meeting, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, June 7, 2016.
- Recent progress on TMD study and future perspective at the EIC
Zhongbo Kang, International Conference on the Structure of Baryons (Baryons 2016), Tallahassee, Florida, May 17, 2016.
- TMDs: Theory overview
Zhongbo Kang, APS April Meeting 2016, Salt Lake City, Utah, April 18, 2016.
- Opportunities in hadron distribution inside the jet
Zhongbo Kang, RBRC Workshop on Emerging Spin and Transverse Momentum Effects in p+p and p+A Collisions, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, February 8, 2016.